Well, when you google the definition of introverts it says we are shy, reticent people, but we are so much more. You can be an introvert and not be shy, you can be an introvert without anxiety.
It’s important to realize your personality preference per say is not the problem. Introverts can function well in extroverted situations and vice versa, but it helps to understand that being an introvert isn’t bad in today’s world.
25% of the population has an introverted personality. That means that whether you know it or not, a quarter of the people you meet in your life are introverts, but some can hide in plain site. So, be on the lookout for introverts in places you never imagined them to be. After all, your personality can’t limit your potential, so live your life proudly.
Everyone has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses its part of what makes us human. Introverts are no exception we just have a set of different strengths and weaknesses we have to learn to live with and overcome.